- expel : expel somebody (from something) to officially make somebody leave a school or an organization
ex) She was expelled from school at 15.
- inflcit : to make somebody/something suffer something unpleasant
- The accused : 피고인
- irreparable : (of a loss, injury, etc.) too bad or too serious to repair or put right
- indict /ɪnˈdaɪt/ : to officially charge somebody with a crime
ex) be indicted on charges/on a charge of something / She was indicted on charges of corruption.
지난해 구속된 뒤 대학에서 퇴학을 당한 건축학과 문씨는 경찰이 수사 과정에서 검거한 수백 명 중 가장 악명이 높은 인물 중 한 명이다.
Mr. Moon, who was architecture student and expelled from college after being accused, he was one of the most notorious of hundereds of crime features that the police officers have captured in the course of their investigation.
Mr. Moon, an architecture major who was expelled from his college after his arrest last year, was one of the most notorious of the hundreds of people the police have arrested in the course of their investigation.
다른 채팅방 운영자, 조주빈은 11월에 40년형을 구형받았다. "피고는 피해자들에게 인간의 존엄성을 떨어뜨리는 반사회적인 범죄를 통해 돌이킬 수 없는 손상을 입혔다", 조순표 재판장은 목요일에 열린 문씨에 대한 재판에서 말했다. 재판은 남한의 중간에 있는 안동시에서 진행되었다.
Another operator of chat room, Jo Joo-bin was sentenced in November to 40 years in prison. "The accused inflicted irreparable damage on his victims through anti-society crime which undermined human dignity.", said Jo Soon-pyo leading judge said at the Moon's court on Monday. The court took place in Andong which was in the center of South Korea.
Another chat room operator, a man named Cho Joo-bin, was sentenced in November to 40 years in prison. "The accused inflicted irreparable damage on his victims through his anti-society crime that undermined human dignity," the presiding judge, Cho Soon-pyo, said of Mr.Moon in his ruling on Thursday. The trial took place in a district court in the city of Andong in central South Korea.
문씨는 2017년부터 지난해 초까지 미성년자 등 젊은 여성 21명에게 노골적인 성관계 동영상을 강요한 혐의로 지난 6월 기소됐다.
Mr. Moon was accused of forcing young 21 women, including minors, into explicit sexual clips from 2017 to early last year, on June.
Mr. Moon was indicted in June on charges of forcing 21 young women, including minors, into making sexually explicit videos between 2017 and early last year.
그는 소셜미디어 플랫폼을 통해 고액 연봉을 받길 원하는 젊은 여성들에게 접근한 뒤 노골적인 동영상을 만들도록 유인해 거액의 보수를 약속했다고 검찰은 밝혔다. 그는 음란물을 수사하는 경찰인 척하면서 노골적인 내용을 올린 여성들의 온라인 계정도 해킹했다.
He approached young women who wanted high-paying job through social platform, forcing them make explicit clips with promises of lots of money, said presecutors. He hacked online domains of women who uploaded explicit sexual contents, pretending as a police officer who investigate illicit pornography.
He approached young women looking for high-paying jobs through social media platforms, then lured them into making sexually explicit videos, promising big payouts, prosecutors said. He also hacked into the online accounts of women who uploaded sexually explicit content, pretending to be a police officer investigating pornography.
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