- blackmail : The crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell somebody else a secret about them
- get hold of something : to find something that you want or need
ex) I need to get hold of Tom's address
It's almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the final.
- footage : part of a film showing a particular event
- avenue : 3) a choice or way of making progress towards something.
- over : 12) because of or relating to something; about something
ex) an argument over money
a disagreement over the best way to proceed
- condone : condone something / condone (somebody) doing something : to accept behavior that is morally wrong or to treat it as if it were not serious
- proliferate : to increase rapidly in number or amount
일단 그가 사진들과 개인적인 데이터를 입수한 후 그것들을 여성들을 유포하겠다 협박하는 데 사용했고, 피해자들에게 더 많은 사진을 보내지 않으면 그 영상들을 부모에게 보내겠다 협박했다고 검사들은 말했다.
Once he got images and personal data, he used them threatened young women if they didn't supply more clips then he will send those clips to their parents, prosecutor said.
Once he got hold of the images and personal data, he used them to blackmail the women, threatening to send the clips to their parents unless the victims supplied more footage, prosecutors said.
검사는 문형욱에게 무기징역을 구형했다
The prosecutor demanded life-long(?) to Mr.Moon
Prosecutors demanded a life sentence for Mr.Moon.
지난 12월, 경찰은 성 착취와 음란물 유통의 방편 역할을 한 온라인 채팅방에 대한 수사의 일환으로 3500명정도의 용의자를 조사했으며, 그들 중 대부분은 20대 혹은 10대인 남성이라고 말했다. 경찰들은 그들 중 245명을 구속했다.
Last December, The police investigated 3,500 people as a part of investigation about online chatroom which was a avenue of sexual exploitation and pornography distribution, most of them was men and 20s or teenagers. They arrested 245 among them.
Last December, the police said they had investigated 3,500 suspects, most of them men in thier 20s or teenagers, as part of their investigation of the online chat rooms that served as avenues for sexual exploitation and pornographic distribution. They arrested 245 of them.
경찰은 또한 1100명의 피해자가 있다고 밝혔다.
The police officer said there is 1100 victims.
The police also identified 1,100 victims.
한국에서 N번방이라고 알려진 스캔들은 어린 여성들을 잔인하게 착취한 것에 대한 분노를 유발했다. 여성단체는 채팅방 운영자들에 대한 재판이 열리는 법원 앞에서 재판관들이 가벼운 처벌을 함으로써 성범죄를 묵인했다고 비난했다.
The Scandal, Known as a 'Nth room', caused outrage over exploitation of young women. The women rights groups accused judges that they condoned sex crime by light punishment in front of courtroom that the operator's trial took place.
The scandal, known in South Korea as "the Nth Room Case," caused outrage over the cruel exploitation of the young women. Women's rights groups picketed courthouses where chat room operators were on trial, accusing judges of condoning sex crime by handing down what they considered light punishments.
목요일, 안동 법원 바깥에서 지지자들은 문형욱에게 최대 형량을 내려야한다는 집회를 열었다.
On Thursday, the advocators held rally that demanding maximum punishment on Mr.Moon outside the Andong courtroom.
On Thursday, outside the Andong courthouse, advocates held a rally demanding the maximum punishment for Mr. Moon.
최근 몇년 간, 한국 경찰은 아동 포르노에 맞서싸우기 위한 국제적인 노력의 일환으로 성 착취 파일 공유 사이트를 단속해왔다. 스마트폰이 늘어나면서, 그들은 곧 많은 불법 거래가 텔레그램과 같은 온라인 채팅방이나 메시지로 이동했음을 깨달았다.
Recently last years, The Korea police officers have arrested sexual exploitation file sharing platforms as a part of fighting international child pornography. As the smartphone poliferates, they soon realized that lots of illegal trade was moved to online chat room and messaging platform like telegram.
In recent years, the South Korean police began cracking down on sexually explicit file-sharing websites as part of international efforts to fight child pornography. As smartphones poliferated, they soon realized that much of the illegal trade was migrating to online chat rooms on messaging services like Telegram.
경찰은 온라인 채팅방 사용자를 추적하는 것에 많은 어려움이 있다고 말했다. 왜냐하면 그들은 종종 잡히는 것을 피하기 위해 전자 화폐를 사용하기 때문이다.
The police said they had trouble of tracking down customers of online chat room. Because they used cryptocurrency to avoid for being caught.
The police said they had trouble tracking down customers of the online chat rooms because they often used cryptocurrency payments to avoid being caught.
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