1. Maaas, Salvi, Arcuri, Semin. (1989). Language use in intergroup contexts : The linguistic intergroup bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 981-993 - abstract
Three expereiments examine how the type of language used to describe in-group and out-group behaviors contributes to the transmission and persistence of social stereotypes.
Two experimenst tested the hypothesis that people encode and communicate desirable in-group and undesirable out group behaviors more abstractly than undesirable in-group and desirable out-group behaviors.
Experiment 1 provided strong support for this hypothesis using a fixed-response scale format controlling for the level of abstractness developed from Semin and Fiedler's (1988a) linguistic category model.
Experiment 2 yielded the same results with a free-response format.
Experiment 3 demonstrated the important role that abstract versus concrete communication plays in the perpetuation of stereotypes.
The implications of these findings and the use of linguistic category model are discussed for the examination of the self-perpetuating cycle of streotypes in communication processes.
2. Korea Expose- https://koreaexpose.com/korea-infidelity-scandal-cho-dong-youn-minjoo-party/
- 한국의 부정행위에 대해 이야기해봅시다. 지난 주 한국의 가장 큰 이슈는 코로나가 아닌 민주당 공직을 제안받은 한 여성의 사생활이었다.
- let's talk about infidelity in Korea. Last week, the biggest issue in Korea was not about Corona virus, was about a private life of a woman who
had offereda political position in the Minjoo Party. - The biggest topic in Korea last week wasn't Covid but the private life of a woman who had been offered a prominent political position in the Minjoo party.
- 확진자가 증가하고, 병상은 포화상태였지만, 지난 주 서울의 모든 이야기는 코로나가 아닌 두 아이의 엄마에게로 쏠렸다.
- The Corona infection
wason the rise, the hospital bed was full, but the talk of Seoul was not about Corona, about mother of two childs. - Covid infections are on the rise, and hospitals are filling up, but the talk of Seoul all last week wasn't the Coronavirus, but a mother of two children.
- 육군 예비역 소령인 39세의 조동연은 화요일에 민주당 선대위공동위원장에 임명되었으나, 3일 후 사임했다. 그의 정치 인생은 그의 전남편과 결혼상태였던 2011년에 혼외자를 낳았고, 이에 대한 사실을 남편에게 말하지 않았다는 고발로 인해 무너졌다.
- Cho dong- youn, was former Army major who is 39 years old now, She was appointed in minjoo party campaign cochairperson on Tuesday, resigned after 3 days. Her political life was collapsed because of accusation that she had a son with another man in 2011, while she
wasmarried to her first husband, and she didn't talk about this fact to her husband. - Cho Dong-youn, a 39-year-old former army major, was appointed to the position of the ruling center-left Minjoo party's presidential campaign co-chairperson on Tuesday, only to resign three days later.
- Her political future collapsed under the accusation that she had a son with another man in 2011 while married to her first husband, whom she didn't tell that the child wasn't his.
소감 : 개트래쉬 한국언론 ㅡㅡ 이 나라는 멀었다 멀었어. 술 쳐먹으면서 유세하는 그 성별들 ㅡㅡ은 왜 머라 안함? 지 와이프 방패로 쓰는 것들은 왜 머라 안하냐고 ㅡㅡ 진짜 언론 제재 안함? 독일법 따를 거면 아예 독일법 따르라고 ㅡㅡ 독일은 진즉에 가짜뉴스나 인격 공격하는 뉴스들 제재하는 법 만들었더만 ㅡㅡ 하쒸. 팍쒸. 하 열받아. 장난하냐? 그 독일수상인가 그 새끼는 뽀뽀하는 거 씨시티비에 다 찍혔더만 왜 그 자리에 있고 난리? 와 진짜 열받아
덧, co-chairperson 이 한 줄에 없으면 다음 줄로 내려 쓰기 꼭꼭!!!!!!