1. Korea Expose - "Let's talk about infiedlity in Korea"
6월에 한국 4대 은행 중 하나인 국민은행에서 남자 매니저와 여자 신입의 불륜에 대한 소문이 돌았던 걸 봅시다.
Consider that a male manager and female entry-level employee from Kook-min bank, one of the biggest bank in Korea made the round about their infidelity in June. (주어가 소문을 돌았다라고 표현됨)
- Consider that in June a story made the round that a male manager and female entry-level employee at Kookmin Bank, one of Korea's four biggest banks, were having an affair.
여자는 분명히 약혼자가 있었고, 그는 그녀의 불륜을 보고, 그에 대한 증거를 친구들과 지인에게 보내버렸다. 이는 곧 전국적인 구설이 되었다.
A woman apparently had a fiance, and he had discovered their adultery, and sent the proof to their friends and acquaintances. It became a national scandal.
- The woman apparently had a finace, who discovered her infidelity and proceeded to send the proof to all their friends and acquaintances. It became national gossip
같은 달 두 명의 여자와 한 명의 남자가 찍힌 사진이 온라인에 퍼지며 또 다른 스캔들이 터졌다. 그 사건은 삼성전자의 두 직원이 간통을 저질렀고, 그의 아내가 회사 로비에서 그들을 대면한 것이라 보도되었다.
At the same month, another scandal was approched when the picture spread online that two women and a man was captured. That incident was alleged that two Samsung electronic employees were in the adultery, and his wife encountered them on the lobby of company building.
- That same month another scandal was launced after a single picture of two women and a man spread online. It was alleged that two Samsung Electronics employees (a man and a woman) were committing adultery, and that his wife confronted them in the lobby of the company building.
두 번째 사건은 사실이 아닌 것으로 밝혀졌지만, 이건 이 나라가 다른 사람들의 사생활에 사로잡혀 있다는 증거다.
The second incident was not true, but this is proof about this country is obsessed with other peoples' private lives.
- That second incident turned out to be untrue, but it was yet another sign that this country is obsessed with other people's private lives.
2017년에 저명한 영화감독 홍상수와 김민희 배우가 그들의 사랑에 대해 얘기하고 얼마나 난리법석이 떨어졌는지 생각해봐라. 홍상수는 그 때도 지금도 결혼한 남자고, 그 커플에 대한 반박은 신속했다. 그 때부터, 김민희는 주류 영화나 티비 드라마에 한 번도 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다.
Consider in 2017, the famed film maker Hong sang-su and actreess Kim min-hee declared their love. And the hahabobo? was spread into all nation. Hong sang-su was (is still) a married man, the backlash to the couple was shift. Until then, Kim has never appeared in mainstream film or TV drama.
- Just think about the incredible brouhaha that erupted in 2017 when famed director Hong Sang-soo and actress Kim Min-hee declared their love for each other. Hong was (and still is) a married man, and the backlash against the couple was swift. Since then, Kim has not appeared in a single mainstream film or TV drama production.
크고 작은 그러한 세부사항들이 일상적으로 셀 수 없이 많은 블로그와 심지어 뉴스 웹사이트에 퍼질 때, 유명하든 그렇지 않든 간에, 비록 관심이 없더라도, 불성실한 한국인들의 모든 방식에 대해 몇 가지를 배우지 않는 것은 어렵다.
When such a big or small details routinely spread on countless blogs or even on news websites, famous or not, it's hard to not to learn from ways of unfaithful Korean, even if one is not interested in.
- When such details, both small and large, routinely get splashed on an untold number of blogs and even news websites, it's hard not to learn a few things about all manner of unfaithful Koreans, famous or otherwise, even if one has no interest.
하지만, 조 교수의 경우는 복잡하다. 민주당은 그를 정치적 스턴트로 고용한 것이었다. 한국의 정당에서는 정당 자체에서 지원하는 역량을 가진 정치입문자들에게 저명한 기회를 주곤 했다. 하버드대 출신 여군 장교 출신인 조 교수는 내년 봄 대선을 앞두고 민주당의 지지부진한 운세를 끌어올리기에 안성맞춤이었다.
A female officer-turned to professor who went from Harvard was perfect for boosting the lackluster of Minjoo's party in the run up to the presidential election in spring.
- The case against Cho is, however, complex. The Minjoo recruited her in a political stunt--Korean parties often offer prominent jobs to political novices with impressive CVs as a way to project an image that they care about talent.
- Cho, a Harvard-educated female military officer-turned-university professor, was perfect for boosting the Minjoo's lackluster fortunes in the run up to the presidential election next spring.