1. KOREA EXPOSE - 'Let's talk about infidelity in Korea'
- neck-in-neck : 막상막하의
- A fodder for B : A(이슈)를 B에게 공론화 하다.
가장 최근 한국 갤럽 조사에 의하면 민주당 대통령 후보 이재명은 그의 보수 정당 라이벌 윤석열과 막상막하로 나타났다.
The Minjoo party's presidential candidate Lee was neck-in-neck against his conservative rival Yoon Seok-yul according to the recent gallop poll in Korea.
- (The party's presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung is neck-in-neck against his conservative counterpart Yoon Seok-youl in the most recent Gallup Korea poll.)
우파 유투버 강용석과 보수당은 조와 더불어민주당에 피해를 주려했고, 그들은 성공했으나, 정치인의 사생활을 공론화하는 게 맞느냐는 지적도 나온다.
The right-wing Youtuber Kang and conservatives sought to damage Cho and by extension of Minjoo party, they have been successful, people say that it's right thing that the politician's private life fodder for public.
- Kang the rightwing Youtuber and conservatives sought to damage Cho and by extension the Minjoo Party, and they have been successful, but it has people asking whether it's right to make politicians' private lives fodder for public debate.
유명한 진보 변호사 권경애는 페이스북에 다음과 같이 한탄했다: "헌법은 사생활의 자유를 보장하고 있다. 공인이라 해서 공공의 문제와 전혀 관련이 없는 사생활을 샅샅이 폭로하는 공개처형을 견뎌야할 의무가 없다. 심지어 정치인도 그들의 사생활을 침해받지 않을 권리를 갖고 있다."
Famous progressive lawyer Kwon Gyoeng-ae lamented on Facebook: "Constitution guarantees private life. Even public figures have no obligation to endure the public trial where their private life get exposed to the last thread. Even politicians have the rights their private life prevented.
- A noted progressive lawyer Kwon Gyeong-ae lamented on Facebook: "The constitution guarantees freedom of privacy. Even public figures have no obligation to endure a public trial where their private life with no connection to public matters gets exposed down to the last thread. Even politicians have the right not to have their private life violated."
우경화된 중앙일보는 당연히 다른 시각을 갖고 있다. 중앙일보는 자체 칼럼니스트의 의견을 보도했다 "그러나 여당의 공동선대위원장은 정치적으로 중요한 공직입니다. 반윤리적 범죄자에겐 맞지 않습니다."
The right leaning Choong Ang Ilbo has a different opinion. It published the opinion written by their columnist. "But the presidential co-chairperson is politically important, it is not appropriate for the unethical criminal to hold it."
- The right-leaning Joongang Ilbo naturally has a different take. It published an opinion by its own columnist that "the ruling party's election campaign co-chairperson is a politically important post, and it's not appropriate for an unethical criminal to hold it."
오병상은 이렇게 덧붙였다. "혼외자 출산은 간통죄가 위헌판결을 받은 2015년 이전의 일입니다. 그러니까 발생 시점에서 형법상 유죄입니다."
Oh Byeong-sang continued "The out of wedlock happened before 2015 when the adultery was unconstitutional, therefore it was criminal."
- Writer O Byeong-sang continued: "Bearing a child out of wedlock took place before 2015, when the criminal charge of adultery was ruled unconstitutional. It means that when it happened, what Cho did was criminal."
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