조금 아쉽게 됐다. 이번 해의 00시를 자면서 맞이하다니.. ! 그래도 새벽에 일어나 디즈니 ost 들으면서 밀린 거 해본다...!
이 포스트를 올린 지 여섯 번 밖에 되지 않았는데 벌써 분사 구문 쓰는 게 익숙해짐을 느낀다. 신남><
1. Korea Expose - Let's talk about infidelity in Korea
- smear v. =accuse / to publicly accuse someone of something unpleasant, unreasonable, or unlikely to be true in order to harm their reputation. cf) She decided to sue for libel after the newspapaer smeared her private life.
- integrity n. =honesty / the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change / n. = whole / the quality of being whole and complete
- be inclined to adj. likely or wanting to do something
- indiscretion ɪn.dɪˈskreʃ.ən n. something, especially a sexual relationship, that is considered embarassing or morally wrong.
또 한편으로는, 많은 민주당 지지자들은 보수측 후보자인 윤석열의 아내가 과거에 바에서 호스티스로 일했다는 혐의를 폭로하고 있다. 지금은 조의원에 대한 변호를 서두르고 있지만, 이는 조 의원에 대한 의혹이 거짓이라고 믿는 것보다 당을 보호하는 것으로 보인다.
Then again, many Minjoo's supporters smears that the conservatinve candidate, Yoon's wife worked as a hostess at bar in past. They are rushing to defend Cho, this seems like protecting the party rather than believing Jo's allegations was not true.
- Then agian, many Minjoo supporters have been smearing the conservative opposition candidate Yoon's wife with the allegation that she might have worked as a bar hostess in the past. Now they are rushing to defend Cho, but this seems to be less about believing the allegations against her are false than protecting the party.
사실, 조를 정치계에서 제외시키는 것이 합법인 부분이 있다. 만약 그가 그의 자식의 아빠가 누구인지와 같은 커다란 것도 거짓말을 할 수 있다면(그의 전남편에게 했던 것처럼), 그가 권력을 갖게 되면 또 어떤 거짓말을 하게 될까? 이게 정말 사적인 문제일까, 아님 그의 인성과 청렴하지 않다는 척도일까? 많은 한국인들은 후자를 믿는 경향이 있을 것이다.
In fact, there is something legitimate that keeping Jo out of politics. If she could lie like whose the father of her own child(like to her ex-husband), if she had a power, which lie could she? Is this private matters or indications of her personalites and lack of integrity? Many Koreans are inclined to believing the latters.
- In fact, there is something legitimate to be said about keeping Cho out of politics. If she could lie about something so big as who the father of her own child is (to her then-husband no less), what else could and would she lie about if she has power? Is this really just a private matter, or is it an indication of her personal character and lack of integrity?
바로 작년에 내 한국인 친구는 삼성 전자 하급간부인 터키 남자친구가 바람을 피우고 있다는 것을 알게 되었다. 그녀는 이걸 회사에 알려야 할지 이야기했다.
Just last year, my Korean friend discovered that her boyfriend working as a junior executive of Samsung Electronics was cheating on her. She was debating whether she would inform to company.
- Just last year a Korean friend of mine discovered that her Turkish boyfriend, a junior excecutive at Samsung Electronics, was cheating on her. She was debating whether to inform the company.
내 친구는 남자친구의 상사들이 그의 사생활이 무준별함을 피고용인으로 알맞는지에 평가해야 한다고 생각했다.
My friend was considered that the bosses of her boyfriend should assess of his private indescretion and apply to his fitness of employee.
- My friend was of the opinion that her boyfriend's bosses should consider his private indiscretion in evaluating his fitness as an employee.
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